Inaugural Lecture in Seminar Series
Juan-Pablo Montero, Professor of Economics from the Department
of Economics at the Catholic University of Chile, presented
the inaugural lecture of the joint Mexico City Program and
MIT-Harvard Seminar Series on Environmental Management. The
title of his lecture was, “Market-Based Environmental
Policies to Control Air Pollution in Santiago-Chile: Experience
and future directions.” |
Master Program on Environmental
and Health Management for Mid-Career Professionals
The Master Program on Environmental and Health Management,
a joint initiative of Mexico’s Ministry of the Environment
and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), MIT’s Integrated Program
on Air Pollution, and the Harvard School of Public Health,
officially began in the summer of 2002. Three students are
presently enrolled: Araceli Vargas and Armando Yanez from
INE, and Antonio Perez (right) from the Ministry of Energy. |
GURME Expert Workshop on Air Quality
On October 24-26, 2002, the Integrated Program hosted the
GAW Urban Research Meteorology and Environment (GURME) Expert
Workshop on Air Quality Forecasting. Twenty-five participants
from eleven countries attended the three-day workshop, held
in Cuernavaca, Mexico. WMO/GURME and NOAA co-sponsored the
Comparative Study of Diesel
Exposure in North America
Another activity of the Integrated Program Mexico City Case
Study involves a pilot study of diesel exhaust exposure in
the Mexico City area, to investigate if the incidence of lung
cancer in trucking company employees can be linked to their
personal exposures to diesel exhaust. This MIT-HSPH pilot
study, with collaboration from RAMA, is an extension of an
HSPH project being conducted in clusters of both large and
small trucking terminals and related truck routes in many
locations throughout the United States, as well as in some
terminals in Canada. It is sponsored by the North American
Commission on Environmental Cooperation and MIT/AGS.

Lab personnel demonstrating testing
vehicle procedures. |
The Program plans to extend this pilot study to assess the
feasibility of developing a national database of physical
exam results for transportation workers who are exposed to
diesel exhaust, and to relate this database to various health
outcomes (mortality, health care utilization, etc.) This study
will involve the participation of Mexican health experts from
several institutions as well as the collaboration of the Secretariat
of Communications and Transportation (SCT), the trucking industry,
and the Social Security Administration.
Re-Inauguration of IM Laboratory
Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, Secretary of the Environment for the
Federal District, together with Drs. Mario and Luisa Molina
and personnel of the IM-240 Laboratory for Vehicle Emissions,
during the lab’s re-inauguration on September 27, 2002.