MCMA-2003 Field Campaign Participating Institutions
Mexican Institutions
- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)
- Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo (IMP)
- Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)
- Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- • Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA)
- Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
- Centro Nacional de Investigación y Capacitación
Ambiental de Instituto Nacional de Ecología (CENICA/ (INE)
- Secretaría de M. Ambiente, Gobierno del Dist.
Federal (SMA-GDF)
- Secretaría de Ecología, Gobierno del
Estado de México (SEGEM)
- Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP)
US Institutions
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Washington State University (WSU)
- Montana State University (MSU)
- University of Colorado at Boulder (UC)
- Lawrence Berkeley Nat’l Laboratory (LBNL)
- •Aerodyne Research Inc. (ARI)
- Department of Energy/Atmospheric Science Program (DOE/ASP)
- Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
- Pacific Northwest Nat’l Laboratory (PNNL)
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
- Colorado State University (CSU)
- Pennsylvania State University (PSU)
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- University of California at Riverside (UCR)
- Nat’l Center for Atmos. Research (NCAR)
European Institutions
- Ecole Polytech Federal de Lausanne (EPFL)
- ETH/Zurich (ETHZ)
- University of Heidelberg (UH)
- Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB)
- Chalmers University of Technology (CTH)
- Elight Laser Systems (ELS)
- US National Science Foundation
- Alliance for Global Sustainability (to partner institutions
MIT, EPFL and Chalmers)
- PEMEX (to IMP)
- US Dep. of Energy (to participating DOE national laboratories)